With Malta’s commitment to the arts, you could be forgiven for thinking that every project receives funding automatically. Arts Council Malta, which includes KulturaTV, has stringent guidelines and go before a judging panel before even a penny is given to the artistic project.
To their credit, the Malta Arts Council have recognised that some projects are going to slip through the cracks and as such, have set up KulturaTV to provide funding and exposure for artistic projects that are hard to visualise or simply have no access to private funding.
In essence, KulturaTV provides funding for projects that meet their criterion helping to televise and by extension promote the work of the artist. This can and does lead to the work being distributed worldwide.
KulturaTV’s Remit
To be eligible for KulturaTV funding you must meet the following criteria:
- Your project must have secured interest from a private television company or secured interest of private production companies that will air the work on a private television company.
- The application should enclose relevant paperwork such as a contract or agreement with the television company
- The television audience must include Malta and additional digital platform distribution is preferred
- The artistic project should fall into the following three categories:
- An art related documentary – This can be a documentary about a specific artist or arts organisation
- An innovative arts-based culture programme – This can focus on specific artistic works or culture
- Fictional audio-visual work – This can be a one-off production, a TV series, or 2,3 part drama.
How to and Who Should Apply
The application should be made by the TV or media company associated with the project. The following eligibility criterion applies:
- The company should be registered as a television or media company under the Malta Financial Services Authority Act, Chapter 330 of the Laws of Malta or be a television station licensed by the Maltese Broadcasting Authority
- The company should be VAT registered
- The company and or director must provide proof that they have had work distributed in the last five years
- The company must be able to show that they are the creator of the script or treatment and have majority rights to the project
When submitting an application, the following documentation should be included:
- Portfolio
- Concept
- Development
- Production
- Budget
- Production and Distribution
You can see full details of how to apply here.
Assessment of your Application
After you apply your application will be stringently assessed. If you meet the eligibility criteria your application will then be assessed by a panel of judges. You will be notified accordingly if your application was successful or not.
If it is, you may receive one of the two grants:
- Up to EUR 40,000 or 60% of eligible costs for creative TV documentaries
- Up to EUR 25,000 or 60% of eligible costs for culture TV programmes
In both instances, the lower amount will be awarded.
Past Successes
Last year KulturaTV made six grants available on a diverse range of projects.
Here is a snapshot on previous winners:
Storja Animalta – This animated series focuses on Malta’s history and heritage with each episode focusing on a particular period or historical figure.
Futur Kreattiv – This 13-part TV series showcased art students studying at Mcast. The idea was to shine a light on the creative talent of the future.
Mitkellma – Is a documentary examining Malta’s native language. Told in three parts dialects of the old and young were explored together with other fascinating elements.
KulturaTV Broadcasts
As well as promoting funding television projects KulturaTV broadcasts artistic and cultural news pertaining to the Malta art scene. The informative broadcasts can be seen on the Kultura News Facebook Page or on from the TVM website.
KulturaTV provides funding and support for arts-based TV. If you have a script or treatment and feel this deserves funding you should approach KulturaTV and see if you can win a grant to make it all possible.
In the first instance check out the KulturaTV page on the Arts Council Malta website and send in your application.